Thursday, 22 September 2011

2Pac - Keep Ya Head Up

2pac - Keep your head up

This song represents the poetic side of hip hop. It does'nt just send a posotive message its also includes information on cruelty and aggression towards females.Throughtout the video close up and mid close ups are used to show the emotions running through the rapper's mind. All the way through the vieo extreme close ups are also used, for example during one moment in the video the camera gets extremely close up to the face of the rapper, mainly at the eye area which expands on the emotions of the artist. Further into the video, images of several females appear. This is to help the audience remember the actual meaning of the song and video.

The mid close-up of the chosen female from the video shows the mysogyny directed towards women. By using this mid close up it helps the audience to interact with character represented, as the camera shot and angle expresses the womans feelings and from this image you can also tell that this person is depressed. This links in to the fact that women are usually used as sexual objects. However, in this video which is being analysed, the woman represented can create sympathy towards the audience instead of hatred as it shows the hurtful lifestyle she portrays.

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